, Internet marketing expert, and PR specialist, reveals…
“Top 32 Ways to Get Free Publicity
For Your Business Whether You
Operate It Online or Offline!”
You can create a business of any kind. It can be offline or online.
But without people seeing it, you won’t make money.
And the only way to see it is by publicity.
From the desk of
Dear Business Owner:
If you are reading this page, you are no doubt looking for a way to get customers to your store or business.
You tried certain conventional methods like placing flyers in strategic locations. It brought in some business but not that much.
What about your online business? Do you have a website? If so, are you getting traffic to it?
When you create your business you want people to come to it. By people coming to your store, this is how you make money.
Even if your business is online, the only way you can make money is by people knowing about your website so they can visit it.
I was like you. I started a conventional business. I saw drips and drabs of people, but nothing really steady. My website got only small amounts of traffic.
That all changed, for within a year, I saw my conventional business flourish. I began making so much money I had to hire several people to help me.
Even my website sales took off. I made a million dollars within six months.
My business is running steady now, and with good people running it, I don’t have to be there but maybe once or twice a week.
As for my website, I have it on autopilot, so I rarely have to touch it, except for maintenance.
I would say that my offline business makes an average of $5,000 a week, while my online business makes nearly double that in a week.
How did I manage to get so much business like I did?
It wasn’t easy at first, but after doing a lot of research, I stumbled across something that made a lot of sense to me.
I began to put into practice what I had learned. At first, I saw no results. But as I tweaked and fine-tuned everything, I soon discovered what really worked.
What was it that worked for me. It was the big P. It was publicity.
Yes, I soon discovered that I needed a lot of publicity for people to know about my business.
The problem with this is that I had no knowledge of the media. No connections with anyone.
So what was I to do?
I did further research and practiced what I learned. I began to see a trend. I began to see what I had to do in order to get the publicity I needed.
After I put into practice the tips I found, my business began to soar.
Now, I want to help you get your business into the position where it can soar as well. I want you to make untold amounts of money.
How will I help you do this?
I will do for you what I did for my own business.
I will teach you how to get publicity. Not just publicity, free publicity.
There are many kinds of publicity. Some are free some cost money to get.
What I will teach you is how to get free publicity. In my new e-book How to Get Free Publicity for Your Offline and Online Business I will help you get the FREE publicity you need.
You will learn exactly what I did to get free publicity for myself. You will learn various ways to get free publicity.

A Soaring Business is in Your Grasp
with the Best Type of Publicity
Ever since I began using the tips I will share with you, I saw my life change. My business really took off.
Everything I couldn’t do before I started doing. I saw opportunities and took them. I began to enjoy more freedom in my life.
I actually got to enjoy life a lot more than I did before.
I discovered that once I knew the proper way to get free publicity, I just had to apply it and I didn’t have to look back.
Look at the advantages you will have that getting free publicity will do for you:
>> No boss – When my business took off, I knew I never had to work for anyone else again. I had an escape for my creative outlet.
And because I have no boss hovering over my shoulders, I get to do what I want and enjoy life that way.
When you apply what you will learn in my book, you will also be able to live a free lifestyle.
>> Much Needed Exposure – The biggest factor for any business are customers coming to your door and going inside.
If it is an online business, it is traffic you want. This is how you will make money online.
>> Increasing Profits – Think of all the money you will make once you start seeing a boat load of customers coming to your business.
You’ll start seeing your profits soar.
>> More Freedom – You may not think of this at first, but you will also begin to enjoy freedom.
When you start seeing your business soar, you’ll be in the position to hire people to handle your business for you. At that time, you can take off more and enjoy your life better.
>> Less Work – When you begin making a ton of money, you won’t have to work so much.
You can delegate work to others, as you will have the money to hire more people to handle the load.
>> Enjoyment in Work – As you find out business profits soaring, you will begin to enjoy what you do more, because the stress of making money will be removed.
This alone is worth all the tea in China.
Trust me. When I started working the same principles I will teach you, my life also became more enjoyable.
I actually had fun for a change. And I believe you will start having fun as well.
>> Passive Income – When you have your offline business percolating, you can work your online business to the point it runs on autopilot like mine does now.
When you get your website to run by itself, all the money it makes, will become passive income for you. It would be nice to see $5,000 to $10,000 dollars go into your bank account weekly.

Get Going Now and See Your Profits Soar
You will find How to Get Free Publicity for Your Offline and Online Business to be a step-by-step approach or blueprint that will help you generate FREE publicity your website or offline business needs.
In this e-book you will discover:
- Why you need publicity.
- You will learn tips that will guide you in what you have to do to get the publicity.
- Publicity is very important for any business.
- How a survey will get you publicity.
- How creating a top ten list will boost traffic to your website.
- How developing an award will kick-start your publicity and drive customers to your store.
- How to get the media interested in your business.
- How to use a national story to drive customers to your business.
- How to use holidays to get people interested in your business.
- How to use a story about yourself to get the media interested in your business.
- Using the past to boost your profits today.
- How to beat your competition hands down and get the media to pay attention to only you.
- How to use a contest properly so as to get the media’s attention.
- How to get your customers involved in your business that will drive the media to your store.
- How to use your product to drive the media to your store or business.

- How to challenge other companies and get the media’s attention when you do.
- How to use your staff to drive the media to your store or to get them to write a story about your business.
- Use a past tragedy to get the media’s attention.
- Does your product or service solve an interesting or unique problem that no other business does? If so, here is how you can use it to make the media pay attention to you.
- Here is a way for you to turn your business into a human interest story that will intrigue the press.
- A secret method of turning a myth into media attention.
- How to get the media’s attention quickly without spending any money doing it.
- How to use your writing skills to get FREE publicity to your business.
- Learn how the Chamber of Commerce can help you get media attention quickly.
- Here is how you can use the newspaper to give you FREE publicity without even calling the media or sending a news release.
- Here is how your skill at teaching will help get your great publicity.
- A tip that will drive not only customers to your business, but also traffic to your website within a week.
- How to get exposure online if you are new to the Internet.
- Here is a way to use your product to drive traffic to your website.
- Here is a great way to get publicity to your business and website without having to send a news release.
I have one special secret tip that will win you over to the media so fast it will make your head spin.
As you can see, my guide will help you in many ways to get FREE publicity.
Since taking my guide online, I have helped thousands of people get free publicity for their businesses. Many of these business people had online and offline businesses.
Most of them saw their profits soar after I helped them.
If about 70,000 people can do it, you can do it to. It simply takes one keystroke of your mouse and within seconds you will have on your desktop the guide of all guides that will get you the publicity you so desperately need.
If you don’t believe me, read comments from some of my customers...
“I run a catering business. When I started my business, I had some business coming in. But it really wasn’t as good as I would have liked. I was trying to find a way to drive business but was unsure how.
“I finally realized I had to make a move and I did. I ran into your e-book and bought it. After I applied just a few tips, I noticed my business really started picking up dramatically.
“I began to get so much business I had to turn some of it away, or I outsourced some. Thanks for your great product.”
Tampa, FL
“I’m not sure what to say. I had a business where I fixed computers. I just opened the business and wasn’t getting the business. Since I was a computer technician, I had no knowledge of how to advertise or get publicity to my business.
“I can across your e-book on getting free publicity and figured what the hell. I gave it a try. Wow is all I can say. Within three days I began applying some of what I learned and I can say within a day, my phone began ringing off the hook.
“All I have to say is thanks.”
Toronto, ON, Canada
“I started a gift store on the edge of a small town I live at. I get traffic to it, but not as much as I liked. I wanted more.
“One day, I began cruising the Internet and ran across your e-book. I said why not take a risk and get it. I did and was amazed by the results.
“Within a week, traffic to my store began to increase a little at a time. By the end of two weeks, I got so busy I had to hire more staff to handle the load.
“Thanks a lot.”
Montgomery, AL
“What Do You Get For Trying My Techniques?”
If you try the tips and the very special secret I lay out for you in my e-book How to Get Free Publicity for Your Offline and Online Business, you will find out just how to get free publicity without even trying to get it.
You will be totally amazed at the ways you can get publicity. You even will be told ways you probably never even heard of before.
Do you want to find out what it takes to get FREE publicity, without having to pay anything to get it?
If you do and you want to get started immediately, I will get you going right away. All you have to do is get out your credit card.
But before you click the order button below, you will want to know how much my e-book will cost.
Well, what if I told you my guide will only cost you .
That’s right, only . Why this price when I could just as easily charge a lot more. The reason is simple.
I want to help you get the much need publicity your business needs. Without it, your business won’t last very long, or you will have to work like a dog to drive traffic to your store.
And you don’t want to do that, considering you have to focus on running your business.
This is why I am keeping my price for this e-book low.
Despite the low price, you may still be apprehensive about paying for this e-book, considering this may be your first time ordering from me, and you don’t know me yet.
That’s okay. I understand. You aren’t the only one to thing that way.
On that note…
What I will do is take all the risk from you. That’s right. I will take all the risk for you. How? By offering you my…
Rock-Solid, Iron-Clad, No-Risk
100% Money-Back Guarantee!
I will provide you with my 100% money-back guarantee and give you a no-risk trial to try out my How to Get Free Publicity for Your Offline and Online Business e-book.
If for any reason, you have not gotten free publicity within three months time, let me know and I'll fully refund your money.
Again, just give my product 90 days to work. If you do not get the publicity you are after, I’ll give you your money back, no questions asked.
In other words, if you apply my principles and steps contained in my guide, and you have not gotten any publicity, you get your money back.
It’s that simple. I’m so confident in my methods and steps, that I will take all the risk from you. All you have to do is spend the money today, read the e-book, apply it, and within 90 days, you haven’t seen any results, you owe nothing. You in fact, get your money back.
So act now. Click the order button below and get the publicity you seek tomorrow. Remember, by getting publicity, you will see your business soar in no time at all.
So what are you waiting for?
To order How to Get Free Publicity for Your Offline and Online Business on a 90-day risk-free trial basis, just click here now:

To your success,
P.S. If you like to see your business soar to great heights and wish to enjoy freedom for yourself, you owe it to yourself to get my guide and take action immediately. Don’t worry, I spell everything out for you.
P.P.S. Take advantage of my guide today, because I do not know how long I will keep the price this low.